Bereavement and Loss, Grief

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Bereavement and Loss, Grief

Bereavement and Loss, Grief

Bereavement signifies deep mourning from losing a significant person which understandably triggers unresolved emotions encompassing guilt, anger, sadness along with sorrowful feelings. The process individuals go through during mourning varies among people as it’s impacted by past experiences, cultural practices and even their personal beliefs. Common physical symptoms include weight changes, fatigue and nausea, along with disbelief or fear that eventually deters someone from carrying out regular daily tasks for a more extended period overly. Such elongated grief conditions are problematic and may lead to diagnosed complicated or prolonged grief disorders which then require suitable therapeutic interventions like psychotherapy or counseling.

Trauma after grief
Emotional Therapy | Depression | PTSD

SE, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, interpersonal psychotherapy together with medication administration are some of the approaches used to manage symptoms that accompany these types of grief. Notwithstanding this fact, healing from loss hinges on managing emotions and coping mechanisms while also receiving the right support.

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