
Home Mindfulness



Mindfulness can be defined as a state of mind that emphasizes being attentive to the current moment while calmly acknowledging ones feelings, operating from a non judgmental frame of mind without distractions from potential external signals or internal anxiety inducing thoughts regarding yesterday or tomorrows agenda itinerary plan tensions within individuals’ lives—the concept originated from Buddhist meditation practices but has since been adapted positively into diversified psychotherapies including mindfulness based stress reduction systems and mindfulness based cognitive therapy techniques. The aim of the mindfulness practice is to facilitate uninhibited stress reduction ever-present enabling an individual to enhance their emotional regulation as well as proliferate improvements in various aspects of well-being across different aspects of existence in todays fast-paced world.

mindfulness practice at Trickett Counselling in Ontario

Practice compassion meditation

Within the therapeutic scope mindfulness episodes follow guided imagery and breathing practices that lead to obtaining a sense of peace and tranquillity.

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